Tuesday, 1 November 2022



Egg trays for incubation comes in many different types and sizes.

We have plastic egg trays which are easly accessible in nearby poultry shops  or you can get them online.We also have home made which are used using wood ,pvc pipes,shade cloth,mesh wire etc.First we look at those egg trays which we buy from shops(Plastic egg trays). Plastic egg trays are generally used on automatic incubators and comes in different sizes depending with your required size of your incubator.The smallest being 28cm ×28cm which can hold up 30eggs.These trays are connected to the auto turning motor so that they rotate regullary to the set rotation time stamps. Trays are set at a rotating angle of 45° moving up and down , they have a special hole size that can hold the eggs and prevent them from falling off.Plastic trays are strong and last long in the incubator.

Homemade Egg tray.

These trays are mostly designed by your creativeness and they normally don't have a specific measurement guideline.Mostly we make these trays using wood(brandering),shade cloth,mesh wire,screws,nails and plywood strips.Homemade tray are usually for manual incubators thus they hold the egg and we rotated them manually using our hands on a certain time frame. We also have Pvc egg trays which are made using pvc pipes and those pipes purpose is to roll the eggs (turn) them semi-matically or automatically. The designs of the pvc trays depends also on your creativity and the capacity you want to hold determines your trays.

It is very important to know the spacing og trays from one to the other and i strongly reccomend to use these guidelines for better incubators  and higher hatch rate.

Automatic incubators 17.5cm and manual 13,5cm. 

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